Twinobusingye Severino & Co. Advocates

Museveni to be served summons to defend self

Yoweri Museveni who was re-elected as president in the February 18 polls is set to be served with summon letters requiring him to respond to the election petition that was filed against him by former presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi.

According to Maggie Lukowe, Mbabazi’s communications officer, Museveni will be served by a team of lawyers including Severino Twinobusinge and Micheal Akampurira at State House Entebbe at exactly 2.00pm, today.

Laywers of former Presidential candidate John Patrick Amama Mbabazi Severino Twinobusingye and filing in a petition at the court registry in the Supreme court on the presidential elections against President Yoweri Museveni, The Electoral Commission and the Attorney General. (Photo by Denis Dibele)

Court requires that in such rare cases, the respondent is served personally by the petitioners’ lawyers. Therefore, the summons will be handed over to the president and not his representatives, of which he has to confirm receipt.

This follows an election petition filed by Mbabazi on Tuesday this week challenging the declaration of Museveni as the duly elected president, and seeking for nullification of the results.

The petition was filed by Mbabazi against Museveni, the Electoral Commission and the Attorney General.

Mbabazi emerged third in the race, managing a dismal performance of 1.5% of votes cast.

SOURCE: ( New Vision story by Betty Amamukirori, 3rd March, 2016 )

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