Twinobusingye Severino & Co. Advocates

IN PICTURES: Polls petition, Day 2

Lawyers in the courtroom waiting for the judges. Picture by Nicholas Oneal

The pre-hearing conference is under way at the Supreme Court in Kampala

Lawyers in the courtroom waiting for the judges. Picture by Nicholas Oneal
President Museveni's lawyer Kiwanuka Kiryowa chats with Amama Mbabazi's Lawyer Asuman Basalirwa on arrival for the second preliminary hearing of the 2016 presidential election petition filed by Amama Mbabazi at the Supreme Court. Picture by Nicholas Oneal
Lead counsel Mwesigye Rukuntana arrives at the Supreme Court. Picture by Nicholas Oneal
Former Ethics Minister, Miria Matumbe chats with Lawyer Robert Kirunda at the Supreme Court on March 10 2016. Picture by Nicholas Oneal
Amama Mbabazi's Lawyers (L), Asuman Basalirwa, Severino Twinobusingye chat with the Deputy Attorney General Mwesigwa Rukutana (R) in the courtroom. Picture by Nicholas Oneal
President Museveni's lawyer Edwin Karugire arrives at the supreme court. Picture by Nicholas Oneal
President Museveni's lawyer Kiwanuka Kiryowa (Standing) with Amama Mbabazi's Lawyer Severino Twinobusingye in the courtroom waiting. Picture by Nicholas Oneal
Attorney General Fredrick Ruhindi arrives at the Supreme Court. Picture by Nicholas Oneal
Lawyers in the courtroom waiting for the judges. Picture by Nicholas Oneal
Civil Society Organizations filed a Amicus Curie Motion to join Presidential election petition at the Supreme Court.
Amama Mbabazi lawyers, Asuman Basalirwa, Michael Akampulira(right) and Muhammad Mbabazi (middle) in the Supreme Court on the second day of the election petition. Photo by Eddie Ssejjoba
Some of President Museveni's team of lawyers at the Supreme Court, March 10,2016. Photo by Eddie Ssejjoba
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